WCSD Fast Facts
Curious about other data in WCSD? Download our fast facts for quick hits on demographics, graduation, assessments, transiency, teachers, our facilities and many more topics!
If you are unsure what a specific term or acronym means while you are analyzing the data please refer to our glossary of terms and acronyms.
Graduation by the Numbers
For your convenience, we have provided the ability to view and download all of our Graduation by the Numbers data charts in non-interactive PDF format in both color and black/white/gray (BWG).
Smarter Balanced Assessment in WCSD
For your convenience, we have provided the ability to view and download all of our Smarter Balanced Assessment in WCSD data charts in non-interactive PDF format in both color and black/white/gray (BWG).
Social and Emotional Learning
For your convenience, we have provided the ability to view and download all of our Social and Emotional Learning data charts in non-interactive PDF format in both color and black/white/gray (BWG).
For your convenience, we have provided the ability to download all of our We Are WCSD district-level and school-level data in Excel Spreadsheet format.